Boris Johnson Open Emirates London Theme Attraction "Aviation Experience" Ahead of Public Launch
Friday, 05 July 2013
Trent 800 Rolls Royce Engine at the Emirates Aviation Experience
LONDON, Emirates' theme attraction "Aviation Experience" was officially opened today by Mayor of London, Boris Johnson and Tim Clark, president of Emirates Airline, ahead of its public launch on 6th July 2013.

The Emirates Aviation Experience, with a cost of over £4 million, is an interactive flight theme, include four flight simulators of two Airbus A380 and two Boeing 777 aircraft.

It house a 3D hologram of the internalsl of an aircraft, a full-size nose-cone and flight deck of an Airbus A380 aircraft, cross-section of a Rolls Royce Trent 800 jet engine and a replica Airbus A380 economy class seating area.

Tim Clark, president Emirates Airline, said: “The Emirates Aviation Experience is a celebration of flight and the industry our airline serves. It is an educational resource which opens the lid on something I still find amazing even now – how airplanes physically work, how they get off the ground and even more importantly, how they land.

“The Aviation Experience was born out of our experience, technology and sense of ambition and I am confident it will become a fascinating attraction for both young and old for many years to come.

“Since our first flight to London in 1987 we have grown our services to the city by a staggering 700 percent, achieved largely thanks to the support of the local London community. We are always looking for ways to show our commitment to London and we hope that this innovative new facility goes some way in demonstrating just how dedicated we are to this captivating city.”

The Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, said: “The Emirates Aviation Experience is a veritable Aladdin’s cave of technological wizardry and gizmos that will give people of all ages a real insight into the wonders of flying. Nestled right beside the stunning Emirates Air Line, this fantastic feat of British engineering is a great new attraction that provides yet another draw for people to come to Greenwich. It’s a great investment from Emirates that’s bound to take off and I’m delighted to join Tim today to declare it well and truly open.”

The fee based entrance, Emirates Aviation Experience will be open to the public daily from 08:00hrs to 19:00hrs from Saturday 6th July. It is located at the Greenwich Peninsular end of the Emirates Air Line cable car.
